
KDVA Marks the Activation of the U.S. 7th Air Force on November 1, 1940

KDVA Marks the Activation of the U.S. 7th Air Force on November 1, 1940

1940년 11월 1일 창설된 미7공군 창설 기념일에 대한 주한미군전우회(KDVA) 축하 서신

October 31, 2022

    2022년 10월 31일


The Korea Defense Veterans Association stands together with the U.S. 7th Air Force and congratulates the command on the anniversary of its activation on November 1, 1940. 7th Air Force is the premier air combat force in the region and a major part of the defense of the Republic of Korea.

주한미군전우회(KDVA)는 미7공군과 함께 1940년 11월1일에 창설된 기념일을 맞이하여 축하의 인사말을 전합니다. 미7공군은 역내 최고의 공군이며 대한민국 방위의 주요한 역할을 수행하고 있습니다.

First established as the Hawaiian Air Force on November 1, 1940, and nicknamed the “Pineapple Air Force,” the command was the first to enter combat and suffer casualties, when the Hawaiian Islands came under attack by the forces of Imperial Japan on December 7, 1941.

1940년 11월 1일에 하와이 공군으로 창설되어 “파인애플 공군”이라 불리운 미7공군은 1941 년 12 월 7 일, 일본 제국군에 의해 하와이 제도가 공격 당하자 가장 먼저 전투에 투입되어 사상자가 발생한 최초의 공군 부대였습니다.

Redesignated the 7th Air Force after the start of the war, its airmen fought throughout the Central Pacific during World War Two, and the unit remained in the Pacific being deactivated and reactivated two times for operations in Vietnam and elsewhere in Southeast Asia, and for deployment to the Korean Peninsula.

전쟁 발발 후, 미7공군으로 재지정되어 제2차 세계대전 중에는 공군 장병들이 중앙 태평양 전역에 걸쳐 싸웠고 이후 부대는 태평양지역에 남아 해체된 후 베트남전과 동남아시아 기타지역에서의 작전을 위해 두번의 해체와 재결성을 겪었고, 이후 다시 한번 재결성되어 한반도 파병을 위해 전개했습니다.

7th Air Force deployed to Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea in 1986 to assume the responsibilities previously performed by the 314th Air Division. The command is part of joint U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) and the U.S. Air Force component to the ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command’s Air Component Command. ( For well over three decades now, the 7th Air Force has shared a dynamic partnership with the ROK Air Force and has worked to deter aggression from North Korea.

미7공군은 1986년에 오산 공군 기지에 배치되었습니다. 이곳에서 제314항공사단이 한국에서 이전에 수행했던 임무를 이어 맡게 되었습니다. 미7공군 사령부는 주한미군(USFK)과 한미 연합사령부 공군 구성군 사령부의 일축을 담당하고 있습니다. ( 30년이 넘는 긴 세월동안 미7공군은 대한민국 공군과 활발한 파트너십을 공유하며 북한의 도발 억제에 함께 해왔습니다.

The long service of 7th Air Force on the Korean Peninsula makes the unit the main source of Airmen who have served in the defense of Korea. KDVA congratulates and thanks the members of the 7th Air Force, past and present, for their outstanding service and sacrifice to help maintain the security of the Republic of Korea and the strength of the U.S. – Republic of Korea Alliance.

한반도에서 미7공군의 오랜 역할과 함께 미7공군 장병들은 대한민국 방위에 헌신한 주요 공헌자들입니다. 주한미군전우회(KDVA)는 미7공군의 과거와 현재 구성원들께서 굳건한 한미 동맹 관계 유지를 위해  힘써주신 점에 대해 감사의 마음을 표합니다.


“Together for the ROK-U.S. Alliance”

“함께해요 한미동맹”

Vincent K. Brooks

General, U.S. Army (Retired)

Chair and President, Korea Defense Veterans Association


빈센트 K. 브룩스

미 육군 대장 (예)

주한미군전우회, 이사장 및 회장

Download:  7AF Message

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KDVA Welcomes New Board Member

KDVA Welcomes New Board Member

주한미군전우회 새 임원 환영사

July 23, 2022

2022 년 7월 23일

The Korea Defense Veterans Association (KDVA) Board of Directors is honored to announce a new Board member, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) James W. Lukeman, U.S. Marine Corps. 주한미군전우회(KDVA) 이사회는 제임스 루크먼 미 해병대 (예) 소장님의 이사회 합류 소식을 전하게 되어 영광입니다.

General (Ret.) Vincent Brooks, KDVA Chairman and President said, “Adding Jim Lukeman to the Board expands our reach to a broader set of Korea Defense Veterans, including our colleagues from the Sea Services. Having served with Jim while he was leading the most sensitive policy and planning actions for the Alliance, I am certain that his insights will be impactful in KDVA’s efforts to further strengthen the Alliance and support its defenders.”

KDVA 이사장 및 회장이신 빈센트 브룩스 (예) 대장님은 다음과 같이 말씀하셨습니다: “짐 루크먼을 이사회 일원으로 받아들이게 된 것은 해군 및 해병 전우들을 포함한 참전용사들이 주한미군전우회와 더욱 가까워졌음을 뜻합니다. 저는 짐이 한미동맹에 있어 가장 민감한 정책과 계획 입안 노력을 이끄는 시기동안 함께했기 때문에, 그의 경험과 식견이 한미동맹을 강화하고 동맹을 수호하는 한미 양국군을 지원하는 주한미군전우회의 활동에 지대한 영향을 끼칠 것이라 확신합니다.

While on active duty, General Lukeman served the Alliance as Commander of U.S. Marine Corps Forces Korea and subsequently as the Director of Strategy, Plans, and Policy for the United Nations Command, for the ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command, and for U.S. Forces Korea.

현역 복무기간 동안, 짐 루크먼 장군은 주한미 해병대사령관으로 복무했고, 유엔사/한미연합사/주한미군사 기획참모부장으로서 전략처, 기획처, 정책처를 이끌며 한미동맹을 지원했습니다.

General Lukeman said, “Being a part of this Association that cares deeply about the Alliance and our Veterans is an honor. Serving in Korea was one of the highlights of my career … we had a real-world mission serving in a country that is vitally important to the United States. I look forward to the great task of continuing to increase KDVA’s membership so that more people who care about the ROK-U.S. Alliance and our Veterans can participate to make a difference for Americans and Koreans. I am excited to get started!”

루크먼 (예) 소장은 다음과 같이 소감을 전했습니다. “한미동맹과 참전용사 및 전역장병들에 대해 깊은 관심을 갖고 활동하는 주한미군전우회 이사회의 일원이 되어 영광입니다. 한국에서의 복무 경험은 경력 중에서도 손꼽을만한 경험이었습니다. 저와 제 부하들은 미국에 지극히 중요한 대한민국에서 실제상황에 직결되는 임무를 맡았습니다. 저는 한미동맹과 우리 전우를 아끼는 사람들이 더 많이 참여하고, 모든 미국과 한국 국민들에게 변화를 줄 수 있도록 참전용사 및 전역장병들 또한 더 많이 참여해 주한미군전우회의 회원 수를 계속 늘려가는 중대한 과업을 이어가도록 하겠습니다. 함께하게 되어 기쁩니다!”

Maj. Gen. Lukeman retired on July 1, 2020 after 40 years of continuous active service. He was born in Beaufort, South Carolina and was raised in a Marine Corps family. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame and was commissioned through the Naval ROTC program in 1980.

루크먼 (예) 소장은 40년간의 현역 생활을 마치고 2020년 7월 1일 퇴역했습니다. 그는 사우스캐롤라이나주 보퍼트에서 태어났으며, 해병대 가정에서 자랐습니다. 그는 노트르담 대학교를 졸업했고 1980년에 ROTC 프로그램을 통해 임관되었습니다.

Please see his complete biography at
루크먼 (예) 소장의 약력은에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.

KDVA has built a reputation as a premier association that supports and advocates for the people who built the ROK-U.S. Alliance and continue to serve it in U.S. Forces Korea and Combined Forces Command. KDVA is a 501C(3) non-profit organization incorporated in the state of Virginia. Please contact KDVA at, visit, and follow us on Facebook ( and Twitter (@KDVAvets).

주한미군전우회는 한미동맹의 기틀을 다진 이들과 주한미군사 및 연합사에서 동맹을 위해 헌신을 다하고 있는 이들에 대한 지원 및 후원을 제공하는 최고의 단체로 자리잡았습니다. 주한미군전우회는 버지니아 주에 설립된 501C(3) 비영리 단체입니다. www.kdva.vet를 방문하여 contact@kdva.vet로 연락 주십시오. Facebook( 및 Twitter(@KDVAvets)에서도 KDVA를 팔로우해주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.

Download: Press Release_General Lukeman New KDVA Board Member_20220723

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2022 Korea Revisit Program for Korea Defense Veterans

The Republic of Korea’s Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs (MPVA) proudly sponsors the 2022 Korea Revisit Program for Korea Defense Veterans.

2022 Revisit Dates: October 23 – 29, 2022. 

KDVA is very thankful for the ROK Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs (MPVA) for sponsoring this important and exciting program.  KDVA is managing the application and selection of Korea Defense Veterans who served in Korea since the signing of the Armistice Agreement on July 27, 1953.

There are 23 slots for U.S. Korea Defense Veterans along with a companion (spouses or helpers) for each Veteran.  Participants will be selected from among KDVA members.  For U.S. Defense Veterans who are not yet KDVA members and would like to be eligible for participation in the Revisit Program, please join KDVA as a Regular Member by August 16, 2022 at – it is free. JOIN KDVA >

Additionally, MPVA is providing two additional slots for the other Sending States, and a travel companion. The Sending States that supported/are supporting the United Nations Command in Korea are:  Australia, Belgium, Canada, Columbia, Denmark, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, the Philippines, the Republic of South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Over 3.3 million U.S. Service Members and thousands from the other Sending States have served in Korea since the signing of the Armistice Agreement.

MPVA will pay 100% airfare for Veterans and 50% for companions (spouses or helpers). MPVA will cover all other costs in Korea like meals, hotels, transportation, etc.

Apply by August 19, 2022.


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Announcing New KDVA Member Portal and Experience!

KDVA is excited to announce a new and improved KDVA Member Portal using a different system.  KDVA Members will have better capabilities to search our member director, discuss topics on forums, and create and connect with groups with shared interests.

We invite you to the new KDVA Member Portal! Our log in page is located at:

Once logged in, please take this opportunity to ensure your information is correct and make any updates.  Having a good database will make it easier for all members to connect and help each other.

We hope you enjoy this enhanced member experience. If you have any KDVA Membership questions or run into any technical difficulties, please feel free to email us at

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Congratulatory Message for U.S. Force Korea’s Founding Day July 1, 2022

The U.S. – ROK Alliance is an exemplary alliance around the world. As the most evident demonstration of the commitment of the United States to the defense of the Republic of Korea the Alliance can see and feel every day the presence of U.S. Forces Korea. U.S. Forces Korea or USFK — those Service Members from the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Special Operations, and Space Force, the Department of Defense Civilians, and their Families who served in the Republic of Korea from the founding on July 1, 1957, to the present day – truly is the “heart” of the Alliance.

The Korea Defense Veterans Association (KDVA), formed to support and strengthen the Alliance and the Veterans of the Alliance, is very proud of USFK and extends congratulations on this, the 65th Anniversary of the founding day.

Working and living in USFK truly is “an assignment of choice” for so many reasons: the mission of standing shoulder to shoulder in the face of a relentless and dangerous north Korean threat, the caring and friendly Korean people, the vibrant and beautiful South Korean country, the people of USFK and the other U.S. government agencies, and the wonderful Korean culture.

To those who previously served within USFK – Happy Anniversary. For those who serve within USFK today – thanks for your service and for representing the United States so well in Korea.

Please know that your friends and former colleagues at KDVA support you and stand with you “Together for the ROK-U.S. Alliance.”

Vincent K. Brooks
General, U.S. Army (Retired) Chairman & President
Korea Defense Veterans Association

Download Statement: KDVA’s Congratulatory Message for USFK’s Anniversary_20220701

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Congratulatory Letter to Eighth Army on Founding Day 10 June 2022

LTG William Burleson, CSM Robert Cobb, and the Soldiers of the “Pacific Victors!”

On this day of Eighth Army’s founding, the Korea Defense Veterans Association proudly salutes and thanks each Soldier of the Pacific Victors – past and present – who have answered our nation’s call throughout the Pacific, and since 1950 to defend the Republic of Korea and support the vital ROK-U.S. Alliance.

Serving through the seven decades of the crucible of the Korean War, the dangers of the early years along the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), and various North Korean attacks and provocations, the Soldiers of the largest U.S. military unit in Korea have taken the lion’s share of responsibility for security in the most important region of the world. You are truly irreplaceable. Moreover, the unique and highly successful experiment of the Korean Augmentation to The U.S. Army or KATUSA program continues to form the closest military relationship in the Alliance.

KDVA’s sole mission is to support the Alliance and our Veterans. On this anniversary, please know that we at KDVA are standing with the Eighth Army. We pledge that our members, partners, and supporters will remember Eighth Army’s years of sacrifices as we continue working “Together for the ROK-U.S. Alliance.”

Vincent K. Brooks
General, U.S. Army (Retired) Chairman & President
Korea Defense Veterans Association

Download Message: KDVA’s Congratulatory Letter for 8A’s Anniversary

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“U.S.-ROK Alliance Memorial Week” on May 30 to June 6, 2022

Download Statement – KUSAF KDVA Joint Message for Alliance Memorial Week


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In Support of the ROK-U.S. Summit on May 21, 2022

Full Joint Statement –

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KDVA Message for U.S. Military Spouse Appreciation Day, May 6, 2022

May 6, 2022 is “U.S. Military Spouse Appreciation Day” and that is a day that is personally meaningful to me.  My wife was a career military spouse.  So was my mother.  So, also was my mother-in-law as well as many other relatives.  On this special day of acknowledgment, the Korea Defense Veterans Association salutes and APPRECIATES all of the U.S. Military Spouses, past and present, who have endured sacrifices and hardships not understood by most of their fellow citizens.  These spouses gave their warriors a reason to serve and the support needed to do it.  Military spouses also served in their own ways — building a community of support for other military spouses and families, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with their warriors, adapting to constantly changing environments and locations, volunteering on military installations and in surrounding communities, making careers that ran concurrently with the service of their spouses, and so much more.

We particularly acknowledge and appreciate the spouses of 1.8 million Korean War Veterans and of the 3.3 million Korea Defense Veterans.  For most of the seven decades of the U.S. military presence in Korea, military spouses were not permitted to be present in Korea — meaning long periods of separation waiting in worry for their warriors to return to them.  And for too many, those spouses recognized with a Gold Star, their warrior spouses did not return alive.  In recent decades, military spouses and families have been permitted to accompany their warriors while serving the Alliance in Korea.  Their presence in the military communities of U.S. Forces Korea added a dimension that made overseas service in Korea a “home away from home.”  And I can personally attest to the fact that the Korean people, especially the spouses of Korean military members, made U.S. military spouses feel like long-lost relatives, forging lifelong relationships that are a key thread in the fabric of the ROK-U.S. Alliance.

Veterans, let us be grateful for the military spouses who served the U.S. and the Alliance so selflessly.  I intend to let the military spouses in my family know how much I appreciate them, on May 6 and every other day as well.

Thank you, U.S. Military Spouses!  We appreciate you.

Vincent K. Brooks

General, U.S. Army (Retired)

Chairman & President

Korea Defense Veterans Association

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KDVA Celebrates Its 5th Anniversary Month, May 2022

A Message from KDVA Chairman and President, General (Ret.) Vincent Brooks

KDVA is very thankful for our members, donors, partners, and supporters for enabling our mission to enhance the ROK-U.S. Alliance and support our Veterans.  KDVA is very proud of our members who continue to make a difference.  So, please join us in celebrating the people who built and support the Alliance, especially in 2022 under our theme of “We Are the Alliance.”

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