
Help Us Reach 10,000 Members By The End Of 2023!

KDVA’s 1st 10,000 Campaign

Help Us Reach 10,000 Members By The End Of 2023!

Thanks to the great efforts of our members, donors, and partners, KDVA continues great growth in reaching thousands of people to join our work for the ROK-U.S. Alliance and our Veterans.

KDVA membership is over 9,400 – only 600 from 10,000!  So, we ask our members and our supporters to help us reach this significant milestone and be a part of the 1st 10,000 KDVA members!

Please consider forwarding this email and social media post to one or two people encouraging them to join KDVA.  Together, we will continue our programs, events, and education to raise awareness about the important work KDVA members do for Americans and Koreans in so many areas of our lives.


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KDVA Congratulates the U.S. 7th Air Force’s Founding on November 1, 1940 1940

KDVA Congratulates the U.S. 7th Air Force’s Founding on November 1, 1940

November 1, 2023

The Korea Defense Veterans Association congratulates the men and women of the U.S. 7th Air Force on the 83rd anniversary of its activation on November 1, 1940 — the U.S. Air Force’s oldest numbered air force. Today, 7th Air Force is headquartered in Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea under the leadership of Lt. Gen. Scott L. Pleus and Chief Master Sergeant Jeremiah W. Ross.

Since its establishment as the Hawaiian Air Force and redesignation as the 7th Air Force after the start of World War II, its airmen fought throughout the Central Pacific and remained in the Pacific until being deactivated after the Korean War. In 1966, 7AF was reactivated and headquartered in Vietnam and deactivated again after the war.

7AF deployed to Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea in 1986 and became a part of U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) and the U.S. Air Force component to the ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command’s Air Component Command. (

KDVA is very proud that so many of our members have served in the 7th Air Force in Korea. 7AF’s partnership with the ROK Air Force continues to be a great example of combined airpower. They have been a major part of the combat power and deterrence against North Korea for almost four decades, and KDVA looks forward to working “Together for the ROK-U.S. Alliance”!

Curtis M. Scaparrotti
General, U.S. Army (Retired)
President, Korea Defense Veterans Association

Download Statement: 7AF Message

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Annual “U.S.-ROK Alliance Day” on October 1, 2023

September 29, 2023

2023년 9월 29 일

Annual “U.S.-ROK Alliance Day” on October 1, 2023

주한미군전우회 및 한미동맹재단 “한미동맹의 날” 공동 메시지, 2023 년 10 월 1 일

As Americans and Koreans celebrate their 70th anniversary of the great ROK-U.S. Alliance in 2023, the Korea Defense Veterans Association and Korea-US Alliance Foundation ask all our members, donors, sponsors, and partners to support the annual “U.S.-ROK Alliance Day” on October 1st.

주한미군전우회와 한미동맹재단은 2023 년 위대한 한미동맹 70 주년을 맞이하여, 모든 회원, 후원자, 파트너들이 주한미군전우회가 미국에서 지정한 10 월 1 일 “한미동맹의 날”을 축하하고 지지해 주실 것을 당부합니다.

KDVA registered this day to honor and remember October 1st as the signing of the 1953 ROK- U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty, in which the two allies stated that they are “reaffirming their desire to live in peace with all peoples and governments, and desiring to strengthen the fabric of peace in the Pacific area, desiring to declare publicly and formally their common determination to defend themselves against external armed attack so that no potential aggressor could be under the illusion that either of them stands alone in the Pacific area …” In 2023, the Alliance has taken historic steps with the ROK State Visit in April and the ROK-U.S.-Japan Trilateral Leaders’ Summit in August which substantively built upon the strong foundation of the Alliance and made the allies more connected for regional cooperation and defense against the North Korean threat.

주한미군전우회는 한미 양국이 “모든 국민과 모든 정부가 평화적으로 생활하고자 하는 희망을 재확인하며, 또한 태평양 지역에 있어서의 평화 기구를 공고히 할 것을 희망하고, 당사국 중 어느1국이태평양지역에있어서고립하여있다는환각을어떠한잠재적침략자가갖지않도록 외부로부터의 무력 공격에 대하여 자신을 방위하고자 하는 공동의 건의를 공공연히 또한 정식으로 선언할 것을 희망하고…” 라고 명시한 1953 년 10 월 1 일, 한미상호방위조약 체결일을 기념하고 기억하고자 합니다. 2023 년 한미동맹은 4 월 대한민국 대통령의 미국 국빈방문과 8월 한미일 3국 정상회담을 통해, 강력한 동맹 기반을 실질적으로 구축하고 북한 위협에 대한 3 국간의 협력과 방어를 더욱 공고히 하는 역사적인 발걸음을 내디뎠습니다.

Building on stronger and more meaningful bonds is at the heart of what makes the ROK-U.S. Alliance unbreakable and strong. For 70 years, Korean War Veterans and Korea Defense Veterans have served as the living embodiment of the sacrifice and contributions that have made American and Korean lives better. Over 1.8 million Americans served in the Korean War and an additional 3.3 million Americans have served in Korea since the Korean Armistice Agreement on July 27, 1953. Each of these 5.1 million Americans did their duty and some gave their all for the Alliance.

더욱 강력하고 의미 있는 유대관계를 구축하는 것이 한미동맹을 깨지지 않고 굳건하게 만드는 핵심입니다. 지난 70 년 동안 한국전쟁 참전용사와 주한미군 복무장병들은 한미 양국 국민들이 보다 나은 생활을 할 수 있도록 헌신하고 기여하였습니다. 180만 명 이상의 미국 장병들이 한국전쟁에참전했으며,1953년7월27일정전협정이후에도330만명이넘는미국장병들이 계속해서 한국에 복무했습니다. 510 만 명의 미국 장병들은 각자의 의무를 이행했으며 일부는 한미동맹을 위해 자신의 모든 것을 희생했습니다.

As supporters of the Alliance and our Veterans, KDVA and KUSAF hope that all Americans and Koreans will look upon this day on October 1st each year with a renewed sense of purpose and resolve that “Freedom Is Not Free.” KUSAF is working to make October 1st being recognized as U.S.-ROK Alliance Day in the Republic of Korea.

주한미군전우회와 한미동맹재단은 한미동맹과 참전용사 및 복무장병들의 지지자로서, 한미 양국 국민들이 10 월 1 일을 맞이하면서 “자유는 거저 주어지는 것이 아니다”라는 목적 의식과 결의를 새롭게 다졌으면 합니다. 한미동맹재단은 10 월 1 일이 한국에서도 한미동맹의 날로 지정되기를 기대합니다.

“Together for the ROK-U.S. Alliance”

“함께해요 한미동맹”

Curtis M. Scaparrotti
General, U.S. Army (Retired)
President, Korea Defense Veterans Association 커티스 스카파로티
예비역 육군 대장
주한미군전우회 회장

Leem, Ho Young
General, ROK Army (Retired)
President, Korea-US Alliance Foundation 임호영
예비역 육군 대장
한미동맹재단 회장


Download Release: Press Release_KDVA and KUSAF for 2023 U.S.-ROK Alliance Day_20230929

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Congratulations to the 2023 KDVA & KUSAF U.S. Honorees

Congratulations to the 2023 KDVA & KUSAF U.S. Honorees

CPT Tyler Williams


U.S. Service Member

CPT Tyler Williams was born in Temple, Texas not far from the Army base of Fort Hood. CPT Williams is the son of Brenda and David Williams. From an early age CPT Williams wanted to be a military man…

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Mr. Rick Bogusky


U.S. Veteran

Rick Bogusky had a 24-year US Army career as a Field Artillery Officer and Korea FAO, serving 6 tours in Korea at all echelons of command and staff, and with close integration with the frontline ROK Army units….

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Mr. Mathew Lee


U.S. Civilian

Matthew is a multi-lingual published author and speaker including Global Public Procurement Conference. He has a Master of Science, Electrical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University, and a Goldman Sachs…

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Honorees will be honored at the KDVA & KUSAF Honors Banquet on October 7, 2023 during the 2023 KDVA Reunion and Alliance & Veterans Conference, October 6 – 8, 2023 in Atlanta, Georgia.

Please join us at the Honors Banquet and Reunion – both are free for KDVA members, their guests, and anyone interested in Korea and our Veterans.

ROK Honorees in the same categories will be honored at the “ROK-U.S. Alliance & Veterans Conference” in Seoul, ROK on October 13, 2023.  We will announce ROK Honorees soon. Learn More

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KUSAF and KDVA Welcome the ROK-U.S.-Japan Summit

2023년 8월 16일

August 16, 2023

한미동맹재단과 주한미군전우회는 한미일 정상회담 개최를 환영한다.

KUSAF (Korea-US Alliance Foundation) and KDVA (Korea Defense Veterans Association) Welcome the ROK-U.S.-Japan Summit

한미동맹재단과 주한미군전우회는 윤석열 대한민국 대통령, 조 바이든 미합중국 대통령, 기시다 후미오 일본 총리가 미국 메릴랜드 주 캠프 데이비드에서 8월 18일 개최하는 역 사적인 3국 정상회담을 환영하고 지지한다.
KUSAF and KDVA welcome and support the historic trilateral summit between ROK President Yun Suk-yeol, U.S. President Joe Biden, and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to be held on August 18 at Camp David, Maryland, USA.

한미일 3국의 이번 정상회담은 작년 11월 캄보디아 한미일 정상회담과 올해 3, 5월의 한일 정상회담, 4월의 한미 정상회담 등을 통해 구축된 신뢰의 결과로서, 한반도를 포함 한 급변하는 세계 정세속에서 한반도 및 동북아 안보와 번영을 보장하는 역사적인 이정 표가 될 것이다.

The trilateral summit is a result of the trust built through the ROK-U.S.-Japan summit in Cambodia last November, the ROK-Japan summit in March and May this year, and the ROK-U.S. summit in April, and will be a historic milestone in ensuring the security and prosperity of the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia in a rapidly changing global environment.

사상 처음으로 미 대통령 별장에서 3국 정상회담을 개최함으로써, 한미일 3국의 개인적, 국가적 신뢰는 물론, 자유민주주의, 인권, 법치의 공유된 가치를 더욱 공고히 하는 계기 가 될 것으로 확신한다.
By hosting the trilateral summit at the U.S. President’s country residence for the first time, we are confident that it will further strengthen the personal and national trust of the three countries, as well as the shared values of liberal democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.

재단과 전우회는 이번 회담이 북한의 핵미사일 도발을 억제하고 북한 비핵화 방안을 모 색하며 자유롭고 개방된 인도태평양을 구축함으로써, 한반도, 동북아, 전 세계의 안보와 번영을 위한 새로운 비전을 보여주기를 기대한다. 아울러 러시아의 우크라이나 침공은 자유민주주의와 국제 평화에 대한 도전임을 분명히 하고 한미일 3국의 진전된 조치를 기대한다.

KUSAF and KDVA hope that the summit will demonstrate a new vision for security and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula, Northeast Asia, and the world by deterring North Korea’s nuclear and missile provocations, exploring ways to denuclearize North Korea, and building a free and open Indo-Pacific. We also reiterate that Russia’s aggression in Ukraine is a challenge to liberal democracy and international peace, and look forward to progressive action by the three countries.

한미동맹재단과 주한미군전우회는 한미일 안보 협력의 새로운 출발점이 될 이번 3 국 정상회담을 다시 한번 환영하며, 인도 태평양지역을 넘어선 전 지구촌에서 안보와 평화의 연대를 확산하는 활동을 지원할 것이다.

KUSAF and KDVA once again welcome the trilateral summit as a new starting point for security cooperation between the ROK, U.S., and Japan, and will support efforts to spread the solidarity of security and peace around the world as well as the Indo-Pacific Region.

함께해요 한미동맹!

“Together for the ROK-U.S. Alliance”


예비역 육군

대장 한미동맹재단 회장

Leem, Ho Young

General, ROK Army (Retired) President, KUSAF

커티스 스카파로티

예비역 육군 대장

주한미군전우회 회장

Curtis M. Scaparrotti

General, U.S. Army (Retired) President, KDVA

Download: 8.18 Trilateral Summit Joint Message_2023.08.15

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Announcing KDVA’s 2023 Impact Scholarship Recipients

KDVA is very proud to announce the selection of 10 Americans and Koreans for the 2023 KDVA Impact Scholarship.  KDVA sincerely thanks everyone who applied – the decision was very difficult to narrow down to only 10 recipients.  We are thankful to the KDVA Senior Enlisted Council for serving as the Selection Committee for this year’s scholarship.

The KDVA Impact Scholarship Program provides scholarships to KDVA members and their spouses, children, grandchildren (including stepchildren) in the amount of $5,000 each to help them attain their educational goals so they can continue contributing to the ROK-U.S. Alliance and supporting our Veterans.

We look forward to supporting them in their studies and efforts to start KDVA Campus Clubs!


To learn more about the KDVA’s 2023 Impact Scholarship, visit

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KDVA’s 2022-2023 theme is “We Are the Alliance.”  

KDVA’s 2022-2023 theme is “We Are the Alliance.”  Koreans and Americans who built and support the Alliance … are the Alliance.  So KDVA will devote more programs and activities to enhance the KDVA Membership Experience, through the “We Are the Alliance” Campaign which will include the following:

  • Improving membership application.
  • Improving membership portal.
  • Preparing to conduct surveys to seek your feedback.
  • Raising more awareness about Veterans.
  • Coordinating the Korea Revisit Program for Defense Veterans.
  • Opening more Local Chapters.
  • Opening virtual Common Interest Groups.
  • Telling more stories about Veterans.
  • Preparing for our first KDVA Reunion in the U.S.
  • Honoring the Alliance by sponsoring the annual “U.S.-ROK Alliance Day” on Oct. 1st.
  • Honoring KDVA Members at our annual Honors Gala.

Join KDVA to add your voice and influence to our mission of enhancing the ROK-U.S. Alliance and supporting our Veterans:

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Congratulations on Eighth Army Founding Day, June 10, 2023


Congratulations on Eighth Army Founding Day, June 10, 2023

On June 10, 1944, Eighth Army was founded under the command of Lieutenant General Robert Eichelberger during World War II.  Today, under the command of Lieutenant General Willard Burleson, Eighth Army stands as America’s ground force in Korea.  The Korea Defense Veterans Association is very thankful for the professionalism and service of this great force, and we stand with each Soldier in support of the ROK-U.S. Alliance.

Millions of U.S. Army Soldiers and KATUSAs (Korean Augmentation to the U.S. Army) have rotated into their formations all across South Korea during the Korean War, served on patrols in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), and fought against North Korean attacks and provocations.  Each Veteran of the Eighth Army knows the hardships, the realistic training, camaraderie, and life-long memories of serving in the “Land of the Morning Calm.”  Most will say that serving in Korea was worth it because of the great country that these Veterans helped build and protect.

Americans can thank Eighth Army Veterans for helping to build a more secure and better life for Americans directly because of the “Pacific Victors” in Korea.  So, KDVA asks its members and supporters to please take a few minutes on June 10th to remember our Soldiers who serve professionally and selflessly in a vital country. Please also consider joining our cause for the Alliance and our Veterans as we continue working “Together for the ROK-U.S. Alliance” (


Curtis M. Scaparrotti

General, U.S. Army (Retired)

Chairman & President

Korea Defense Veterans Association


Pdf – KDVA Congratulatory Message for 8A Founding

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KUSAF and KDVA Joint Message for “U.S.-ROK Alliance Memorial Week 2023”

2023년 5월 29일

May 29, 2023

KUSAF and KDVA Joint Message for “U.S.-ROK Alliance Memorial Week 2023”

한미동맹재단과 주한미군전우회의 “2023 한미동맹 추모 주간” 공동메시지

Each time a service member dies in service to his or her country, it tears a hole in a family forever. A son or daughter, sister or brother, husband or wife, is lost to their loved ones.

군인이 국가를 위해 복무하다 우리의 곁을 떠나게 되면, 사랑하는 자녀, 형제자매, 배우자를 잃게 되어 한 가정에 영원한 상처를 남깁니다.

Some solace, though quite small, comes when that service member is remembered on occasions such as Memorial Day. Names are spoken, graves visited, memories shared. The loss is experienced all over again by those who knew the fallen, and the impact of that deceased family member or friend on the living is absorbed by younger generations who will, hopefully, continue to honor their sacrifice. At the same time, their deeds and sacrifices are honored not only by those who knew them, but by all freedom-loving people wise enough to understand that if the honored dead had not stood ready to perish, we might be living very different lives now.

현충일에 고인의 이름을 호명하고 현충원을 방문하며 추억을 공유하는 등 군 장병들을 기억하는 노력은 작은 것 같지만 큰 위로가 됩니다. 고인을 아는 사람들은 다시 한번 그들을 마음속에 되새길 것입니다. 또한 가족과 친구들은 고인의 희생을 젊은 세대가 계속해서 존중하고 이어가길 희망할 것입니다. 고인들의 업적과 희생은 지인들 뿐만 아니라 자유를 사랑하는 모든 사람들로부터 존경받을 것입니다. 고인들의 희생이 없었다면 우리는 지금과는 전혀 다른 삶을 살고 있을지도 모릅니다.

For members of the Korea-US Alliance Foundation and Korea Defense Veterans Association, we know too well of the brave sacrifice of Korean and American military members, who came together in a common cause to defend Korea. In the seven decades since the start of the Korean War in 1950, over 130,000 ROK and 36,000 U.S. service members have been killed in action in Korea.

한미동맹재단과 주한미군전우회는 대한민국 방어라는 공동의 목표를 함께 한 한국과 미국 군인들의 용감한희생을너무나잘알고있습니다.1950년한국전쟁발발이후70년동안한국군13만여명과 미군 3 만 6 천여 명이 한국에서 전사했습니다.

As the U.S.-ROK Alliance moves beyond 70 years into the future, it is even more meaningful that today marks the start of “U.S.-ROK Alliance Memorial Week” which is bookended by the U.S. Memorial Day on May 29, 2023, and the ROK Memorial Day on June 6, 2023. KDVA and KUSAF have marked this week to ask Americans and Koreans to visit Veterans’ graves in a local cemetery, attend a Memorial Day ceremony, or read an article or a chapter of a book that describes an individual tale of sacrifice while serving in Korea.

한미동맹이 70년을 넘어 미래로 나아가는 시점에서, 2023년 5월 29일 미국 현충일과 6월 6일 대한민국 현충일로 이어지는 ‘한미동맹 추모 주간’의 시작을 알리는 것은 특별한 의미가 있습니다. 주한미군전우회와 한미동맹재단은 추모 주간을 맞아 한국과 미국 국민들이 지역의 현충원을 방문하여 참전용사를 추모하거나 현충일 기념식에 참석하고, 한국에서 복무하는 동안 희생한 장병들의 이야기나 기사를 읽어 볼 것을 당부합니다.

On ROK Memorial Day at 10:00 a.m., Koreans pause to reflect on the heroes who saved their nation. As we have done in past years, KDVA asks its members and supporters to also pause at 3:00 p.m. EDT on U.S. Memorial Day to have a moment of appreciation for U.S. Korean War Veterans and Korea Defense Veterans who died while serving in Korea. (The time of 3:00 p.m. EDT will allow this observance to occur during daytime hours across six time zones.) Your act of remembrance will keep alive the spirit of those who died fighting for freedom.

대한민국은 현충일 오전 10 시에 잠시 멈춰 서서 조국을 구한 영웅들을 추모합니다. 지난 몇 년 동안 그랬던 것처럼, 주한미군전우회는 회원들과 후원자들에게도 미국 현충일 오후 3 시에 잠시 멈춰 서서 한국에서 복무 중 사망한 미국의 한국전 참전용사와 주한미군 복무장병들에게 감사하는 시간을 갖도록 당부합니다. (미국 동부 하절기 시간 오후 3시를 기준으로 6개 시간대에 걸쳐 낮 시간대에 추모 행사를 진행할 수 있습니다.) 여러분의 추모는 자유를 위해 싸우다 돌아가신 분들의 정신을 계속해서 살아있게 만들 것입니다.

함께해요 한미동맹! “Together for the ROK-U.S. Alliance”

커티스 스카파로티예비역 육군 대장

주한미군전우회 회장

Curtis M. Scaparrotti

General, U.S. Army (Retired) President



대한민국 육군대장 (예비역)

한미동맹재단 회장

Leem, Ho Young
General, ROK Army (Retired) President


Statement: KUSAF and KDVA Joint Message for Alliance Memorial Week 2023

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U.S. Military Spouse Appreciation Day: Home is Where the Heart is

“U.S. Military Spouse Appreciation Day:

Home is Where the Heart is” 

May 12, 2023

“Home is where the heart is” are beloved words that have special meaning for military families. American Service Members for generations have found comfort and purpose in thinking about their spouses when deployed to faraway lands. Military spouses of Korean War Veterans and Korea Defense Veterans found themselves needing to be strong and take on the responsibilities of both parents: caring for children, managing the household, and providing support to the Service Member.

On “U.S. Military Spouse Appreciation Day” on May 12, 2023, the Korea Defense Veterans Association would like to say thank you to the spouses of so many of our 1.8 million Korean War Veterans and 3.3 million Korea Defense Veterans. Service Members would not have been able to fight the Korean War and continue defending South Korea without the immeasurably strong support of their loved ones. KDVA honors our spouses for their response to the call of duty.

So, from this day forward, let us remember to thank our spouses as much as we thank our Service Members. Because “home is where the heart is” is better when spouses are holding down the fort until they can be reunited with their Service Members.

Thank you, U.S. Military Spouses – for all you do!


Curtis M. Scaparrotti
General, U.S. Army (Retired)

Chairman & President
Korea Defense Veterans Association

Download Letter: KDVA Message for U.S. Military Spouse Appreciation Day 2023_20230510

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