KDVA’s Virtual Common Interest Groups and Community Forums

KDVA made it easier for members to connect with fellow KDVA members and ROK-U.S. Alliance supporters from around the world.

Explore KDVA’s Member Portal! Exclusively for KDVA Members.


You can join or create a Common Interest Group (“Circles”) with other members who share your interests, like being stationed at the same camp, currently living in the same area, or serving in Korea during the same time. Engage in meaningful conversations, network, and share stories and pictures of your time in Korea. It’s like Facebook but without all the spam and ads!

Current Common Interest Groups:

  1. Decade Served (1950s through 2020s)
  2. U.S. Camps / Bases in Korea
  3. KDVA Chapters (Hawaii, Georgia, & South Korea)
  4. DMZ
  6. Korea Revisit Program
  7. KDVA Interns

How to Access:

Simply login to the KDVA Member Portal, click on “Common Interest Groups” and then select a current interest group or “create a new group.”

You must be a KDVA member to access these groups and the Member Portal.


As a KDVA member, you have access to our “Community Forum.” Here, your voice can be heard on topics related to KDVA programs, membership and the ROK-U.S. Alliance.

Simply log in to the KDVA Member Portal, click on “Community Forum” and then select a current topic.

Only KDVA members have access to the Community Forum.





Not a member of KDVA Yet?

Sign Up Today! There is no cost to join KDVA.

KDVA is the only professional organization whose sole purpose is to enhance, support and advocate for the ROK-U.S. Alliance.

To learn more about KDVA membership benefits or to register to become a KDVA member, click here.