
10 Free KDVA Golf Entries for the MOAA Golf Charities Classic!

Another Great Benefit of KDVA Membership!

KDVA members can play for free in the MOAA Golf Charities Classic at TPC Potomac at Avenel Farm, a championship course in Potomac, Md., on May 22, 2023.  KDVA appreciates the chance to support this important charity event.

The first 10 KDVA members who sign up 10 new members (Regular or Associate) can play for free!  Please inform your 10 family or friends to add your name under the referral question on the KDVA membership application. Please email us at with your list of names as well. Registration ends on May 11, 2023. JOIN KDVA

KDVA will inform you once we have confirmed the 10 new members under your name.

For the past 18 years, MOAA’s golf tournament has supported the MOAA Scholarship Fund, a vital resource for students of military families. For the second year, the event will also support TMF, which assists everyone in the uniformed services and veteran communities, regardless of rank, service branch, or time served. TMF provides support in five areas: crisis relief, career transition, professional education outreach, military spouse professional development, and community outreach grants. Established in 2022, TMF’s Crisis Relief Fund provides emergency financial grants for military and veteran families who have endured a natural disaster or other crisis situation.

Korean Air is donating two free business-class roundtrip airfares to Korea, valued at $15,000, to be given away as a prize at the event.

KDVA Membership Applications


Date: May 22, 2023
10000 Oaklyn Drive, Potomac, Maryland 20854
Tentative Schedule: 
7:30 AM – Registration, Continental Breakfast, Putting Contest
9 AM – Shotgun Start
1:30 PM – Lunch, Refreshments, Awards
3:15 PM – Winners Announced
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Thanks KDVA Members for a Great ROK State Visit!

May 2, 2023

Dear KDVA Members,

I wanted to thank you sincerely for your individual and collective contributions and support for the ROK-U.S. Alliance that you helped build.  I hope you take pride and accept the gratitude expressed numerous times by U.S. President Biden and ROK President Yoon during the ROK State Visit last week.

Both Presidents stated their appreciation for Korean War Veterans, Korea Defense Veterans, and their families for defending South Korea for decades and for continuing to answer the call to duty.

President Biden welcomed President Yoon at the White House Arrival Ceremony and stated, “… over the past seven decades, our alliance has grown stronger and more capable, and the cooperation between our people, our commitment to one another has grown deeper across every aspect of our partnership.”  He concluded his remarks with, “as our troops say, who still proudly serve together in the ROK to this day: “We go together’.”

In a historic speech before a Joint Meeting of Congress, President Yoon stated that, “North Korea’s surprise attack threatened the peace on the Korean Peninsula and Asia. Korea’s freedom and democracy were on the brink.  At that decisive moment, the U.S. did not look the other way. Korean and American soldiers stood shoulder to shoulder and fought bravely. Tales of our heroes were written.”

Thank you for your service in Korea.  Be proud of your experiences and the part you played in building this “Alliance for the Ages” … and be proud of your membership in KDVA.  Own your part of KDVA and tell a friend to join us as we support the Alliance and our Veterans (

“Together for the ROK-U.S. Alliance!”


Curtis M. Scaparrotti

General, U.S. Army (Retired)

Chairman & President

Korea Defense Veterans Association

Letter: KDVA Thank You to Members_StateVisit

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KDVA’s 12 Star Salute to General Jung Seung Jo

KDVA’s 12 Star Salute 

주한미군전우회(KDVA) 12 성 경례 

Congratulations and Gratitude for ROK General (Retired) Jung Seung Jo, President of Korea-US Alliance Foundation (KUSAF)
April 28, 2023 

한미동맹재단 정승조 (예) 대장님을 위한 축하와 감사인사 2023 년 4 월 28 일 

The Korea Defense Veterans Association (KDVA) sends a heartfelt congratulations and gratitude to ROK General (Ret.) Jung, Seung Jo on his very successful term as the President of the Korea-US Alliance Foundation (KUSAF).

주한미군전우회(KDVA)는 한미동맹재단(KUSAF)에서 매우 성공적인 임기를 지내신 정승조 예비역 대장님께 진심어린 축하와 감사인사를 전합니다.

The current KDVA Chairman and President, U.S. General (Ret.) Curtis Scaparrotti, and his predecessors, U.S. General (Ret.) Walter Sharp and U.S. General (Ret.) Vincent Brooks, are very thankful for General Jung’s leadership of KUSAF, a strong and important KDVA partner that raises and provides over 95% of KDVA’s funding.

현재 주한미군전우회 이사장 및 회장이신 커티스 스캐퍼로티 미 육군 예비역 대장님과 전임 이사장 및 회장이신 월터 샤프 예비역 대장님, 빈센트 브룩스 예비역 대장님께서는 주한미군전우회 예산의 95%이상을 책임지고 있는 전우회의 귀중한 파트너인 한미동맹재단을 정 대장님께서 이끌어주신 것에 대해 깊은 감사를 표합니다.

General Sharp remarked, “General Jung has been the driving force for both KUSAF and KDVA. As a founding father of both organizations in 2017, General Jung has left an incredible legacy of supporting the ROK-U.S. Alliance and Korea Veterans. I am thankful that he helped take KDVA from a start-up nonprofit organization to a strong voice for the Alliance and Veterans.”

샤프 (예)대장은 정 (예)대장님에 대해“한미동맹재단과 주한미군전우회의 발전의 원동력이 되어주셨다”고 언급했습니다. 2017 년 창설된 두 단체의 창립멤버로서, 정 대장님은 한미동맹과 주한미군 참전용사 및 제대군인의 지지활동에 크나큰 족적을 남기셨습니다. 저는 정 회장께서 스타트업 비영리단체로 시작한 주한미군전우회가 한미동맹과 참전용사들을 대변하는 강한 발언력을 가진 단체로 성장하는데 도움을 주신것에 대해깊은 감사를 느낍니다” 라고 언급했습니다.

General Brooks stated, “I am very honored to call General Jung a longtime friend. He is revered in Korea and the United States as a leading advocate who brought together Koreans and Americans to help both countries. When the Alliance needed sound counsel to navigate North Korea issues and important Alliance topics, General Jung provided it to senior ROK and U.S. leaders. He continued providing sound counsel while serving with both KUSAF and KDVA.”

브룩스 (예)대장은 “저는 정 대장님이 저의 오랜 친구라는 것을 영광으로 생각합니다. 그는 한미 양국간의 상호지원을 위해 한국인과 미국인의 화합을 도모한 대표적인 동맹 지지자로서 양국 국민들로부터 존경받고 있습니다. 한미동맹이 북한문제와 한미동맹 이슈를 다루기 위해 건실한 조언을 필요로 할 때, 정 대장님께서는 한미 선임 지도자들에게 그 조언들을 제공해주었습니다. 그는 한미동맹재단과 주한미군전우회를 위해 근무하는 동한 지속적으로 건실한 조언을 제공하는 역할을 하셨습니다.”라고 소회를 밝히셨습니다.

General Scaparrotti concluded, “General Jung’s leadership of KUSAF has directly contributed to KDVA’s growth to over 6,000 members and 57,000 social media followers in six years. Because of the strong partnership that we have forged together, KDVA and KUSAF have been able to reach millions of people through our events, written products, activities, programs, and social media outreach.

스캐퍼로티 (예)대장은 “정 대장님이 한미동맹재단을위한해 보여준 리더십은 주한미군 전우회가 6 년간 6000 명 이상의 회원과 57000 명의 팔로워를 보유하는 단체로 성장하는데 지속적이고 직접적으로 기여하였습니다. 우리가 함께 뭉친 강력한 파트너십으로 인해 전우회와 한미동맹재단은 수백만의 사람들을 우리 행사와, 발간물, 다양한 활동 및 프로그램과 소셜미디어 활동에 끌어모을 수 있었습니다.” 라고 덧붙이셨습니다.

“We welcome our friend, ROK General (Ret.) Leem Ho-Young, as the new KUSAF President. We have worked with General Leem when he was either the Deputy Commander of the ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command or the ROK Vice Chairman of KDVA. KDVA is looking forward to working with General Leem to reach the 1.8 million U.S. Korean War Veterans and their families, over 3.3 million U.S. Korea Defense Veterans and their families, and the millions of Koreans who have fought for and defended the Alliance.”

또한 “우리는 새로운 한미동맹재단의 회장으로서 우리의 전우인 임호영 (예) 대장님을 환영합니다. 우리는 임 대장께서 한미연합사 부사령관과 주한미군전우회 부회장을 지내셨을 때 함께 했던 경험이 있습니다. 주한미군전우회는 180 만명의 한국전쟁 참전용사와 가족분들, 330 만 이상의 대한민국을 함께 지킨 주한미군 제대군인 및 가족들, 그리고 한미동맹을 지켜기 위해 싸워온 수백만의 한국인들에게 다가가기 위해 임호영 대장님과 함께하기를 고대합니다.”라고도 말했습니다.

General (Ret.) Jung, Seung Jo served as the 37th Chairman of the ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff, the highest- ranking military position within the ROK military.

정승조 (예) 대장님은 한국군 내에서 가장 높은 직위인 37 대 합참의장을 지내셨습니다.

General Jung is a 1976 graduate of the Korea Military Academy where he graduated as the valedictorian of his class. Upon commissioning, he has been privileged to command in Special Forces and field army units numerous times. His notable command assignments include Commander of the 3rd ROK Special Forces Brigade in 2002, Commander of ROK 1st Division in 2004~2005, Commander of the Zaytun Division in Iraq in 2005~2006, Commander of 2nd Corps, and Superintendent of the Korea Military Academy. After he was promoted to four-star general, he commanded the First ROK Army in 2009~2010. He went on to serve as the Deputy Commander of ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command and Commander of Ground Component Command until he became the ROK Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

정 대장님은 1976 년 대한민국 육군사관학교에서 기수 중 수석으로 졸업하셨습니다. 임관 후 대장님은 특수전 부대와 야전부대를 여러 차례 지휘하는 특권을 누리시기도 했습니다. 지휘관 임무를 맡으셨던 대표적인 부대로 2002 년 육군 특전사 3 여단장, 2004~2005 년 육군 1 사단장, 2005~2006 년 자이툰부대장, 육군 2 군단장, 육군사관학교 교장 등이 있습니다. 4 성 장군으로 진급이후, 대장께서는 대한민국 육군 1 야전군을 2009~2010 년 동안 지휘하셨습니다.

Generals Sharp, Brooks, and Scaparrotti are former Commanders of the United Nations Command, ROK- U.S. Combined Forces Command, U.S. Forces Korea. They were responsible for leading the defense of South Korea against the North Korean threat.

샤프 대장님, 브룩스 대장님, 스캐퍼로티 대장님께서는 전임 유엔사/한미연합사/주한미군 사령관이십니다. 세 분들은 북한의 위협에 맞서 대한민국을 방어하는 지휘 총 책임자이기도 하셨습니다.

KDVA’s 12 Star Salute 

주한미군전우회(KDVA) 12 성 경례 

“Together for the ROK-U.S. Alliance” 

“위대한 한미동맹을 위하여” 

KDVA Thank You to General Jung_KUSAF President_20230428

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KDVA Presents Letter of Appreciation to ROK President

April 25, 2023

KDVA Presents Letter of Appreciation to ROK President

The Korea Defense Veterans Association (KDVA) was honored to present a letter of appreciation to ROK President Yoon Suk Yeol at the “70th Anniversary of the ROK-U.S. Alliance Appreciation Lunch” hosted by the ROK Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs.  The lunch was part of the official ROK State Visit to the United States.

General (Ret.) Curtis Scaparrotti, KDVA Chairman and President, provided remarks highlighting the great ROK-U.S. Alliance; pointed out the might of Korea Veterans who helped build the Alliance; thanked President Yoon for his leadership, especially in defending against the North Korean threat; and publicly pledged, along with KDVA’s partner, the Korea-US Alliance Foundation (KUSAF), to support the Alliance.

General Scaparrotti said that “the Alliance between the Republic of Korea and the United States is irreplaceable and entrenched in the hearts and minds of Americans and Koreans.  The Alliance is irreplaceable because each person in this room has invested in making the ties between our people unbreakable.  I am very thankful to lead the Korea Defense Veterans Association which stands with and supports 1.8 million U.S. Korean War Veterans, 3.3 million U.S. Korea Defense Veterans, and millions of ROK Veterans and their families.”

He further thanked KUSAF for their strong support and General (Ret.) Jung Seung Jo’s leadership as KUSAF President.

President Yoon thanked KDVA, KUSAF, and the millions of Korean War Veterans, Korea Defense Veterans, and their families for defending Korea and making the ROK-U.S. Alliance so strong.


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KDVA and KUSAF Joint Statement in Support of a Successful ROK-U.S. Summit

2023년 4월 17일

April 17, 2023

성공적인 한미 정상회담 개최를 기원하고 지지하는 주한미군전우회와 한미동맹재단의 공동메시지

KDVA and KUSAF Joint Statement in Support of a Successful ROK-U.S. Summit

주한미군전우회와 한미동맹재단은 대한민국 대통령이 12년 만에 미국을 국빈 방문하여 실시되는 역사적인 2023년 한미 정상회담이 한미 동맹 70년의 역사를 확인하고 미래 동맹 70년을 향한 굳건한 이정표를 세우리라 확신하며, 한미 정상회담을 전폭적으로 지지하고 환영한다.

The Korea Defense Veterans Association (KDVA) and Korea-U.S. Alliance Foundation (KUSAF) express our full support and welcome for the historic 2023 ROK-U.S. Summit during the President of the Republic of Korea’s first state visit to the United States in 12 years. We are confident that the summit will reaffirm the 70- year history of our alliance and set a milestone for the next 70 years of our future alliance.

한미 양국 정상이 이번 정상회담을 통해, 1950~1953년 한국전쟁을 통해 피로 맺어진 한미동맹이 그 어느 때보다 공고하며 철통 같은 동맹임을 확인할 것으로 기대한다. 한미동맹은 한반도를 넘어 전 세계의 안정과 평화, 번영을 주도하는 글로벌 전략 동맹으로 진화하고 신뢰와 자유 민주주의, 인권, 법치의 모범이 되는 동맹이 될 것으로 기대한다.

The leaders of South Korea and the United States are expected to reaffirm the ironclad ROK-U.S. Alliance, forged in blood during the Korean War in 1950-1953, at this summit, highlighting its unparalleled strength. It is anticipated that the alliance will further evolve into a global strategic partnership that promotes stability, peace, and prosperity across the world beyond the Korean Peninsula, as an example of the importance of the values of trust, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.

한미동맹은 북한 핵·미사일 위협이 한반도는 물론 전 세계의 평화와 안보에 심각한 걸림돌이 되고 있음을 직시하고 북한 비핵화 노력과 확장억제 공약의 발전을 기대한다.

The ROK-U.S. Alliance recognizes that the North Korean nuclear and missile threats pose a serious obstacle to peace and security not only on the Korean Peninsula but also around the world and continues to work towards denuclearization of North Korea as well as the commitment to extended deterrence.

주한미군전우회와 한미동맹재단은 대한민국 대통령의 미국 국빈방문을 통해 한미 양국 국민들이 한미동맹을 위해 지속적으로 헌신하는 한국전쟁 참전용사 및 주한미군 복무장병들의 헌신을 기억하는 계기가 되기를 희망한다.

On the occasion of the state visit of the President of the Republic of Korea to the United States, KDVA and KUSAF hope that Koreans and Americans will express their gratitude to Korean War Veterans and Korea Defense Veterans who continue to serve the ROK-U.S. Alliance.

주한미군전우회와 한미동맹재단은 역사적인 한미 정상회담의 성공과 공고한 한미동맹을 위해 모든 지원을 다할 것이다.

KDVA and KUSAF extend full support for the success of the historic Korea-U.S. summit and the strong ROK-U.S. Alliance.

함께해요 한미동맹! “Together for the ROK-U.S. Alliance”

커티스 스카파로티

예비역 육군 대장

주한미군전우회 회장

Curtis M. Scaparrotti General, U.S. Army (Retired) President, KDVA


예비역 육군 대장

한미동맹재단 회장

Jung, Seung Jo
General, ROK Army (Retired) President, KUSAF

Statement: KUSAF and KDVA Joint Message for ROK State Visit_2023.04.17

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KDVA Website Is Now Available in Korean

KDVA is excited to announce our website is now available in Korean!

Simply click on the USA or ROK Flag icon in the upper right-hand corner of the website to choose your language!

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KUSAF and KDVA Joint Message Supporting and Congratulating Exercise Freedom Shield 2023

2023 자유의 방패 연합연습을 지지하며 성공적 연습을 축하하는 한미동맹재단과 주한미군전우회의 공동메시지 

KUSAF and KDVA Joint Message Supporting and Congratulating Exercise Freedom Shield 2023 

대한민국 방위는 한미 양국 국민 모두에게 중요합니다. 한미연합사는 대한민국 방위를 책임지는 사령부로서 훈련을 통해 북한의 실질적인 위협에 대비할 수 있어야 합니다.

The defense of the Republic of Korea is of vital importance to the Korean and American people. As the command responsible for the defense of Korea, the ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command (CFC) must train to be ready against a real threat from North Korea.

한미동맹재단과 주한미군전우회는 한미연합사의 자유의 방패 연합연습과 전사의 방패 연합 야외 기동훈련을 전폭적으로 지지합니다. 군사 훈련은 군이 임무를 수행하기 위한 정상적이고 필수적이며 대체불가한 요소입니다. 이번 자유의 방패 지휘소 연습은 한국군, 주한미군, 연합사 및 예하 구성군사, 유엔사를 포함하여 다양하게 편성된 부대들의 작전 수행 능력과 협조 절차를 통합했습니다.

The Korea Defense Veterans Association and the Korea-US Alliance Foundation fully support CFC’s Exercise Freedom Shield and Warrior Shield Field Training Exercise (FTX). Military training is a normal, essential, and irreplaceable part of any military’s ability to carry out its mission. This Freedom Shield command post exercise integrated the operational practices and coordination of a diverse and unified group that included the ROK Military, U.S. Forces Korea (USFK), CFC and its subordinate component commands, and United Nations Command (UNC).

전사의 방패 훈련은 “공중, 지상, 해상, 우주, 사이버, 특수 작전을 통해 한미 양국군의 협력을 강화하고 전술, 전기 및 절차를 숙달시키는” 야외기동 훈련으로써, 자유의 방패 연습을 보완했습니다. (출처 연합사 언론보도)

The Warrior Shield FTX complemented the Freedom Shield exercise with field training to “further enhance the ROK and U.S. militaries’ cooperation through air, land, sea, space, cyber and special operations, and improve upon tactics, techniques and procedures” (from CFC’s press statement at begin/).

재단과 전우회 회원들은 한미 연합연습 경험을 통해, 한국에서 실시되는 높은 훈련 수준과 장비를 잘 이해합니다. 전우회 회원들을 포함하여 수백만 명의 미국인과 한국인들은 1950-1953 년 한국전쟁이 일어났던 지역에서 훈련했던 소중한 경험을 갖고 있습니다. 전우회 회원들은 DMZ 전역에서 실제 위협에 대비한 실전적인 훈련 경험담을 회상했습니다. 우리는 이 소중한 이야기를 주한미군전우회 디지털 도서관(에 올려 놓았습니다.

Since many members of KUSAF and KDVA have participated in exercises in Korea, we understand the very high level of equipment and training that occurs in Korea. Millions of Americans and Koreans – many of whom are KDVA members – reflect fondly of their experiences in Korea training on the same ground that the Korean War was fought in 1950-1953. KDVA members have recounted their personal stories about the realistic training against a real threat across the DMZ – they are available in the KDVA Digital Library (

한미동맹재단과 주한미군전우회는 북한의 침략을 억제하고 세계 10 위 경제 대국인 대한민국의 안보를 지키기 위해 헌신하는 한미 양국군 장병들에게 경의를 표합니다.

KDVA and KUSAF thank the women and men serving in Korea for deterring North Korean aggression and maintaining a secure environment for the 10th largest economy in the world, the Republic of Korea.

함께해요 한미동맹!

“Together for the ROK-U.S. Alliance”

커티스 스카파로티

예비역 육군 대장

주한미군전우회 회장

Curtis M. Scaparrotti General, U.S. Army (Retired) President, KDVA


예비역 육군 대장

한미동맹재단 회장

Jung, Seung Jo
General, ROK Army (Retired) President, KUSAF

Download Statement: KUSAF and KDVA Joint Message for Freedom Shield Exercises 2023

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KDVA and KUSAF Joint Message Supporting GSOMIA

2023년 3월 18일

March 18, 2023

한미동맹재단과 주한미군전우회는 한일 군사정보보호협정의 정상화를 환영한다.

KDVA and KUSAF Joint Message Supporting GSOMIA

한미동맹재단과 주한미군전우회는 대한민국 윤석열 대통령과 일본 후미오 기시다 총리가 발표한 한일 군사정보 보호협정인 GSOMIA 의 정상화 결정을 환영하고 지지한다. 윤석열 대통령과 기시다 총리는 북한의 핵·미사일 개발이 한반도와 동북아, 전 세계의 평화를 위협한다는 데 의견을 같이하고 지속적으로 고도화되고 있는 북한의 핵·미사일 위협에 대응하기 위한 한미일 3 국 및 한일 양국의 적극적인 협력의 중요성을 강조하였다.

The Korea-US Alliance Foundation (KUSAF) and Korea Defense Veterans Association (KDVA) are very supportive of the recent announcement that ROK President Yoon Suk Yeol and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida agreed to normalize their mutual military intelligence-sharing pact called the General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA). ROK President Yoon stated, “Prime Minister Kishida and I agreed that North Korea’s nuclear and missile development threatens peace on the Korean Peninsula, in Northeast Asia and in the world. We also agreed that in order to respond to the North’s nuclear and missile threats that are getting more sophisticated by the day, cooperation among South Korea, the United States and Japan, and between South Korea and Japan, is extremely important, and that we should continue to actively cooperate.”

한미동맹재단과 주한미군전우회는 GSOMIA 정상화가 한일 양국의 민감한 군사정보 교환을 촉진시킴으로써, 지역 안보를 보장하는 중요하고 긍정적인 조치가 될 것임을 확신한다. 우리는 참전용사들과 복무장병들이 싸우고 지켜온 한미동맹과 지역의 안정을 염려하는 단체로서 한일 양국 지도자의 결정을 환영하며 지지한다.

KDVA and KUSAF believe this is an important and positive step toward supporting regional security by facilitating the exchange of sensitive military information for both countries. As organizations that care deeply about the ROK-U.S. Alliance and the stability of the region that our Veterans have fought for and continue to defend, we applaud and support actions like this one taken by the leaders of South Korea and Japan.

한미동맹재단과 주한미군전우회는 지난 70 년간 수백만명의 한국군과 미군들의 헌신을 바탕으로 동북아의 안정적인 안보환경 조성을 위한 노력을 계속할 것이다.

Millions of Americans and Koreans have served in Korea for seven decades, so KUSAF and KDVA continue to pledge our support for a stable security environment in the northeast Asian region.

함께해요 한미동맹!

“Together for the ROK-U.S. Alliance”

커티스 스카파로티

예비역 육군 대장

주한미군전우회 회장

Curtis M. Scaparrotti General, U.S. Army (Retired) President, KDVA


예비역 육군 대장

한미동맹재단 회장

Jung, Seung Jo
General, ROK Army (Retired) President, KUSAF

Download Statement: KDVA and KUSAF Joint Message for GSOMIA_18 March 2023

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KDVA Hiring Announcement for Programs & Admin Assistant

Hiring Announcement for Programs & Admin Assistant

March 4, 2023

The Korea Defense Veterans Association (KDVA), a nonprofit organization based in northern Virginia, is looking for an experienced, reliable, and task-oriented Programs & Admin Assistant (PAA).  This is a part-time, remote position and the candidate must live in the DC Metro area. The PAA will be responsible for assisting with the numerous KDVA Programs such as events, chapter, and membership support. In addition, the PAA will assist in the operations and administrative tasks to help manage the further growth of KDVA. KDVA’s mission is to enhance the Republic of Korea – United States Alliance by advocating for the Alliance and supporting the people who built and serve the Alliance.

Main Duties and Responsibilities.

Programs Support

  • Event Support – Hands on support on-site to include but not limited to setting up/breaking down venue, AV coordination, and other support functions to ensure event runs smoothly.
  • Research vendors, caterers, venues – conduct initial research and provide most viable and cost-conscious options.
  • Assist in signing people up as KDVA Members at events.
  • Membership Support – Assist in membership coordination.
  • Work with KDVA’s member portal system.
  • Assist in membership activities (i.e., membership drives, incentive programs, inquiries from members, etc.)
  • Research/Coordinate/assist in managing vendors for merchandise, language/translation, printing companies, business cards, KDVA pins, etc.
  • Assist in responding to volunteer emails; manage and maintain volunteer spreadsheet to keep track of volunteers and where they are located.
  • Draft communications to include but not limited to Thank You letters, annual letters to donors, partners, and supporters.
    • Assist in addressing, printing, stuffing envelopes, and mailing out annual letters.
  • Chapter Support – make sure they have up to date KDVA materials.
    • Update and maintain spreadsheet with POC and locations for new chapter interest.
  • Update and maintain KDVA contact spreadsheet for Partners, Donors, and other contacts from events, business cards from meetings/events, etc.
  • Assist in keeping schedule for monthly/quarterly calls with partners, chapters, interns, etc.
  • Update and maintain Korean War/Korea Defense Veterans family stories and contact information.

Administrative –

  • Maintain an organized filing system of paper and electronic documents to include our board management system.
  • Assist the management of tasks and deadlines for HQ staff; be a second set of eyes to provide reminders and follow-up to ensure deadlines are met including but not limited to monthly finance and accounting calendar.
  • With guidance from VP of Program and Leadership Support, reach out to accounting firm, Payroll firm, and/or bank with any issues if needed.
  • Assist in scheduling meetings, appointments, key leader engagements, etc.
  • Assist with travel arrangements, if needed.
  • Maintain a high level of confidentiality.
  • Take on special projects.

Required Skills.

  • 2-3 years minimum experience as an Admin Assistant reporting to senior leaders.
  • Have a support mindset: Understand the work expectations of the KDVA Staff and be committed to making their work more effective.
  • Excellent communication: Have clear, concise, and professional written and verbal communication skills.
  • Initiative and motivation: Be a self-starter; highly responsive with excellent follow-through and follow-up; and work independently. Be resourceful and adapt to changing priorities.
  • Team-minded: Be friendly, professional, and respectful in working with outside organizations.
  • Strong technology competency: MS Suite, virtual meeting/conference software, etc.
  • Have your own reliable computer with web camera and antivirus software, high-speed wireless internet, and smart phone.

Preferred Skills and Experiences.

  • Interest in Korea, Veterans, and their Families.
  • Work experience with non-profit organizations preferred.
  • Accounting skills would be a plus.
  • Worked or lived in South Korea is desirable but not required.
  • A bachelor’s degree is great but not required.
  • Korean speaker is a plus.
  • Department of Defense or Military spouses are encouraged to apply.

Work Hours.

  • Core business hours, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, Monday-Friday, but there is some flexibility with the work hours.
  • Be available to support KDVA’s events and meetings on-site in the Washington, DC area that take place outside of the workplace such as events, banquets, and conferences.

Location Requirement.

  • Must reside in the Washington, DC metro area – there is no relocation expense.

Compensation Range.

  • The total compensation is $30,000.
  • Fifteen vacation days.
  • KDVA observes all U.S. federal holidays.
  • No overtime; compensation time as needed.

We welcome your resumes and cover letters by 4:00 p.m. EST on March 17, 2023 at:

The employer does not discriminate against any candidate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, disability, sex, national origin, or veteran status.

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KDVA Supports MOAA Charities and NCOA Annual Conference

KDVA and our close partner, KATUSA Veterans Association (KVA), will be sponsoring two major events that support Veterans during the 70th anniversary of the ROK-U.S. Alliance in 2023.

KDVA and KVA will be the “Conference Platinum Sponsor” (top sponsor) for the Non Commissioned Officers Association (NCOA) Annual Conference in Texas on July 18-21, 2023.

KDVA and KVA will be the “4 Star Presenting Sponsor” (top sponsor) for the Military Officers Association of America’s (MOAA) 19th Annual MOAA Charities Golf Classic in Maryland on May 22, 2023.

A great strength of the U.S. military is the strong bond and working relationship between our officers and our enlisted service members.

KDVA and KVA are proud to partner with MOAA and NCOA to raise awareness about the importance of enlisted and officer contributions to our Nation, our Veterans and their Families, and the ROK-U.S. Alliance.

We will provide details about each event soon.

Please consider joining KDVA as we support the ROK-U.S. Alliance and our Veterans,

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